Apple has been growing in the industry with all of the different approaches, has proposed such a device i.e. device that can perform up to the mark of both computer and phone. It has been a real player to all of the competitors and no one can compare to its operating systems. Major role of its operating system is played by the iTunes, which has been very tactile placement in the fields of operating software.
iTunes being the most rebellious to its fellow mates, it is the most frustrating thing for most of the iPhone users. The most common complaint that I can hear is people yelling that they are not able to download music or add music to their phones as it requires the iTunes connection to be followed and it is not that accessible from their point of view. So, if you are one of them, my friend you are at the right article, and I am here with the preference of downloading music to your iPhone without iTunes.

To my knowledge there are only 3 different ways and followed by one method can be considered as the easiest one for adding songs to your phone without any connection to iTunes.
Use Spotify, Google Play Music or another streaming service
With the growth of more knowledge regarding the service development, there are N numbers of services available but again there are some players who play along with the faith and trust of the users, these are Spotify and Google play. They also come with few more but no one to their match. People only think of streaming directly from the service developer , but let me inform you to make yourself capable of downloading it from there. Yes, it could cost you a little but will be more beneficial than getting it through tacts of iTunes.
Service providing strategy of these apps could be same but the usage of all matters on which you chose. But sometimes it is fairly easy for us to understand, For Example: In Spotify you just go to selected album from homepage, select the song and make the downloading bar green for that particular song.
Use Dropbox
Yes, you heard it correct. Your Dropbox, which must be came into existence for the usage of our company files or for our school projects and college assignments. Now you can take the help of the Dropbox, for adding songs to your iPhone, and yes again without the help of iTunes.
It’s the simple work to be done for the whole process to be completed. You simply need the Dropbox application in both computer / laptop and the iPhone. Then open the Dropbox in the laptop and make a folder for music and copy all your songs which you want to. Don’t forget to copy the whole file of the music. When it is done click on any song of the list and enjoy the show.
This could be easy but can bring the problem in search of Dropbox application of the computers, hence rest is just an easiest task.
Use an iTunes Alternative
Of course! The world is based on the elasticity of demand which depends on the presentation of substitutes, and yes, your iTunes also comes with its alternatives which can be used in place of either of the two above options. They could be more complex than the above two options but can be the one to rely on. Famous among them are two i.e. MediaMonkey and CopyTrans Manager, which are available for free and are the best in alternatives to iTunes.
No matter whichever method you prefer it will be a great experience for you in terms of music, although iTunes is preferred by most of the people and is way pretty easy to use.
But there are many people looking for the reason to get rid of the iTunes matter and have their jailbreaked phone with all the possibility but from my point of view there are many applications available on the PlayStore which can be used for the concern of music other than all above methods and iTunes too. The application is iFile Organizer and many more in relation to it. People download it for free and then open it. Following to add the source as web and download any type of file not only the music but videos and documents too.
So, satisfied? Without the use of iTunes you can play music, but there is a great chance you cant get rid of it as it’s the power of iPhone and hence you need to be in touch of its functioning.
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