Today, every single activity revolves around using the internet in some aspect. In such a world, bringing up children is very tough. Children are very innocent and it is necessary to safeguard children from the internet. Online child safety and online safety is very important. Just like all technology, the internet too has a bad […]
Simple Tips To Manage Fussy Eating in Children
Fussy eating is a problem most parents have to face with their children. Most children become very fussy when it comes to food around the ages of 2 and 3. This is because the kids are somewhat developed enough to be independent and their appetite drops. This is a crucial time and if you do […]
How To Deal Child Temper Tantrums Easily
If you are a parent you would know how much temper tantrums affect your daily life. Temper tantrums are almost common to all kids, especially ones between the ages 1-3. This is because during this sensitive age you child learns a lot of new words and is able to understand a lot. However, their language […]
Homeschooling for kids – Is it a good or bad idea?
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela The above quotation quite makes it clear how important education is. The importance of education to a child cannot be overstressed. It is important not only to learn to make a living but also to learn how to […]
Manners That Matters The Most
Manners and Etiquettes – I personally am fully persuaded its only the respect that – gives birth to the mannerism we carry in life, which then leads to edify to etiquettes. Then they both journey hand in hand making us WHO WE REALLY ARE. They become our signatures whether we move in a corporate circle […]