7 Most Valid Reasons to quit your job
You might end up saying that I am a one man show and do not need anyone’s guidance in your career aspects. It might be true up to some extent. It is a hidden truth that we always hunt for a reassurance from somebody that the decision we took is the right one – especially at the time when you are leaving your job.
Am I making the correct decision? Should I wait for another year and see my prospects? What if I am not satisfied at the other company as well?
Questions like these will keep prompting you every time and you certainly will be anxious and trust me you are neither the first one to feel this nor the last one too. Keep calm there are plenty of reasons for why one should leave one’s current job and mover ahead. A few of them are listed below:
1. You have a better offer
This is the most obvious reason as to why you would want to leave your current job. If you really have a better option then you should not wait and bid your current role an adieu. It is right said, “When it comes to your career, you ought to look for the best”.
The new opportunity need not be just money. It may be newer roles, responsibilities, or may be a shift to something you are quite passionate about. A better offer means more happiness than what you are getting currently.
2. You wish to pursue your career
It is completely okay if you are planning to further pursue your career which you might have left undone. Your bachelors or masters or you wish to get certified in your field which you feel would make a lot of difference to your current portfolio.
If you feel that with your current roles and responsibilities you will not be able to balance your work and education then you should take a call to quit your job and concentrate on one thing at a time.
3. Your work environment is terrible
If you do not like your work peers, you find them gossipy and rude. Your boss is not very supportive. In these situations you are not able to give your 100% output then I would say you should quit this place and find another nest for your career.
You should keep in mind that a healthy and comfortable work environment can only make your career flourish.
4. Your company’s future is in air
A workplace whose future is unsteady will not sustain for long. If you feel your work place is going to stay for long and the future seems rocky then your decision to quit the job and moving ahead is perfectly alright.
Taking decision in this situation, do not feel you are being selfish rather you are playing smart.
5. Wish to change your abode
There may be a situation where you are relocating, may be due to your partner’s job or at a place where you can be closer to your family members, this is a good reason to change your current job and head for something new.
6. Some of your personal circumstances
We talk a lot about work-life-balance and many a time it is not possible to adjust between the two and this is the time when you need to prioritize. Either your work or your life.
You might have some medical emergency and need to take care of your family or it may be your own health issues which you cannot simply look after due to responsibilities of your work. I think it is the time when you should take a call and go for a vacation.
7. Your gut says it all
Last but not the least- It is your gut that says it all. You do not know why but your gut says “change your job buddy”. And I say you should go for it. Somehow you are not comfortable here and so you intuition tells you that you need to change.
You might have your other reasons to change a job which are appropriate as well. I just tried to figure out what largely are the reasons for a job change. Hope it helps you.
Hahaha yea sometimes even we feel so comfortable that we ignore what is wrong with our position or job… That’s already passed the time.. hehe
Yes agree..! It’s hard to reshape for the things that already passed..!
Thank you.