What is cloud hosting & how does it work?
Cloud Hosting is highly preferable to all the corporate giants. It is a hosting site basically operating all across the web servers that are interconnected.
It is the recent form of hosting that has become extremely popular for the past few years. The main concept of the term is “Divide and Rule”. The resources which are required for maintaining the website are spread in more than one server and rendering the per need basis. This is greatly reducing the chances of any downtime in case of a server malfunction.
The most remarkable aspect of cloud hosting is that it allows the people to manage peak loads easily, without facing any hurdle with the bandwidth. Even another server can offer the additional resources in those cases. However, the website doesn’t rely on just one server, rather it is a cluster of multiple servers which is working together simultaneously.
Example of Cloud Hosting
The perfect example of cloud hosting is Google and the head of search engines has got its resources spread over thousands of servers on the cloud. Over the past decades, people have never witnessed Google.com facing any downtimes.
How does Cloud hosting work?
Each and every server in the cloud hosting is carrying out a particular set of tasks. In the failure of any of the servers on the cloud, another server immediately kick-in as a back-up to render the required resources. Here is the architecture underline the cloud web hosting. It is load balanced and clustered, so that your website never experience the down time.
Enterprise Cloud Hosting
When enterprise-level hosting is provided, it goes without saying that quality needs to be the prime focus. That’s why the high-quality enterprise cloud providers make the ultimate use of VMware and bringing the most reliable cloud services. People can find it better than dedicated servers.
The difference between cloud hosting and dedicated hosting
When we compare dedicated servers to the cloud hosting, the reliability is a solid factor in the latter case. People get multiple servers at their disposal as opposed to a single dedicated server that is allowing the people to cope-up with any emergencies without breaking the sweat.
The pricing varies on the basis of actual usage and in the case of heavy usage the cost factor is associated with the cloud architecture.
When people come to VPS and traditional shared hosting, the cost factor is extremely low in those cases. In the matter of VPS, a single server is divided among multiple chunks, and that portion is managed by a particular user, even the capital investment is reasonably low.
Future of Cloud Hosting
Many large organizations are using cloud hosting for several years. The price of cloud hosting will have to come down for the small enterprise owners.
The pricing has considerably come down and the folks have learned the advantages of cloud hosting for the past 4-5 years. It is basically compelling the mid-size organizations to move into the cloud arena.
Meanwhile, multiple organizations have made a worthy investment by moving to the cloud. Others haven’t invested in the infrastructure which is required to make a huge transition to the cloud.
Difference of Cloud Hosting & Shared Hosting
Cloud and shared hosting have the same difference any cheap service and premium service has shared hosting is the system where many websites are hosted in the same server, speed is limited, but space is virtually unlimited. On the other hand, for a cloud server, speed and performance is the highest level, but it doesn’t have unlimited space.
Also, almost all cloud server has limited data transfer amount per month, whereas such limitation is not present in any hosting feature of shared hosting. Also, Cloud hosting has fixed RAM (Random Access Memory) amount, which increases with a costlier plan. But for shared hosting, most of the time, amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) present in the shared hosting server, is not shared with the client.
Cons of Cloud Hosting:
Cloud hosting is fast, reliable and very much premium service, but still then it has some drawbacks, which may not be a problem for all users, but still, you need to be aware of them before buying a cloud-based hosting service.
Number one problem is the space, cloud hosting doesn’t come with an unlimited space option, no hosting provider can deliver that.
The second concern is the Cost of Cloud hosting. Where you can get a shared hosting for $70 / Year, a standard cloud hosting costs at least 10 times of that amount per year.
A third concern is the amount of traffic per month is limited per hosting package. Whereas the amount is not small, counts in TB (Terra Byte), not GB (Giga Byte), but still any e-commerce company website with decent traffic may have problems with it. Because most e-commerce product related sites have a huge number of products and number of page views for these type of websites are some multiple of that number. All in all, only a few e-commerce sites can afford cloud hosting in the long run.
Cloud hosting is the future of hosting, it is fast, reliable, premium service if a company can afford it. So if you are looking for hosting your site in quick servers, Cloud Hosting is the right choice for you. Also it is depending on the web host provider. It is highly recommended to go for Best hosting providers to get maximum benefits of cloud hosting.
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