India resembles a storybook, loaded with bizarre and great stories. You may not accept what you read, you may not concur with what’s composed, but rather one thing is for sure. You can’t quit perusing. Since the more you read, the all the more captivating it gets. Indian temples architecture is connected with distinctive styles.
Numerous a period, we Indians pick our hearts over our heads. Holding tight all that we put stock in, we certainly tread past the domain of judicious considering. These festivals and ceremonies in Indian temples will bring many issues, yet at that point, not all inquiries have answers.
Strange Indian Temples with Weird History and Rituals
These Indian temples have their own significance due to the variety rituals that perform. Let’s look at these strange Indian temples rituals.
1. Bani Festival, Andhra Pradesh

Festivities are a method for human life. Be that as it may, some are so interesting, it doubts the very meaning of the idea. One of the most bizarre festivals in India is the Bani Festival celebrated at the Devaragattu Temple in the Kurnool locale of Andhra Pradesh shows the point. Each Dusshera, several lathis – employing lovers from Andhra and Karnataka accumulate at this sanctuary to hit each other on the heads at midnight! Soaked in blood, these men go ahead with the festival till the bill of daybreak, to recognize the killing of an evil spirit by Mala-Malleshwara (Shiva).
2. Celebration of the Snake – Nag Panchami

India imparts an exceptionally old cling to snakes. These unnerving creatures have assumed a noticeable part all through Indian folklore and old stories. India is known to some still, as the Land Of Snake Charmers. The fifth day of the lunar month of Shravan is praised as Nag Panchami crosswise over India and Nepal. Live Cobras, without their venomous teeth evacuated, are venerated! Ministers sprinkle haldi-kumkum and bloom petals on their raised hoods. Enthusiasts nourish them drain and even rats. It is prevalently trusted that snakes don’t chomp on Nag Panchami.
3. Hurling newborn children from the rooftop for good fortunes – Maharashtra and Karnataka
Now and again, confidence assumes control over our thinking and influences us to get things done while never addressing them. The peculiar festivals in India with regards to child hurling has been honed in India for quite a long time by both, Hindus and Muslims. At Baba Umer Dargah close Sholapur, Maharashtra, babies are dropped from a stature of 50 feet and got in a sheet held by holding up men.
A comparable custom is seen at the Sri Santeswar sanctuary close Indi, in the province of Karnataka. This custom has been taken after for more than 700 years and is accepted to convey thriving to the family. The National Commission For Protection Of Child Rights is examining these cases. As indicated by coordinators, no wounds have been accounted for up until now.
4. Mahendipur Balaji Temple, Rajasthan – Exorcize your Demons

In the drowsy little Dausa region of Rajasthan, a great many enthusiasts turn up at Mahendipur Balaji Temple to free themselves of phantoms, devils and other abhorrence spirits each day. Offering repentance in outrageous ways, pouring bubbling water on oneself, dangling from the roof, binding themselves to dividers. Also striking their heads against the dividers is said to free a man of everything insidious.
This sanctuary is additionally extremely popular for being likely the main place in India where expulsions by clerics are still completed. No Prasad is offered at this sanctuary, and it is said that once you leave the sanctuary, you should not swing back to take a gander at it; who knows, underhanded spirits may take that as a challenge to possess your body. Credit it to another riddle of Indian sanctuaries.
5. Kodungallur Bhagavathy Temple, Kerala – Abusing the goddess amid a celebration

The natural dwelling place Goddess Bhadrakali, a gentler rebirth of Goddess Kali, the Kodungallur Bhagavathy Temple witnesses an unusual seven-day celebration commended yearly, the Bharani Festival. Men and ladies wearing red attire and conveying swords swarm this Indian sanctuary, circling in a daze like a state. They hit their heads with the sword, blood pours openly, and they enter the sanctuary reviling and singing vulgar tunes about the Devi.
Offerings are not made in the general form, in these Indian temples rather, they are tossed at the statue of the goddess, and the sanctuary rafters are hit over and again with sticks. The sanctuary is closed down for 7 days after the celebration, as a matter of fact, to clean the blood stains.
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